Welcome to the Church Blog

By Pastor Jon

This is our first post.

You could say this is simply to get the ball rolling. Steeeeerrrriiiiikkkkke!

The future plan is for this specific blogging platform to be very fruitful into your daily life jaunt, and especially as 2019 starts to take shape. It is approaching like a bullet the blue sky; to throw in some U2 on the slide.

We want to maximise this potential for God’s glory and your obvious benefit; reflecting RELOVUTIONARY’s purpose and goals.

There will, God willing, be an increasingly diverse array of voices from the various Teams of Peoples in this Life Movement, who will provide a distinctive voice and angle. This can be one significant means that RELOVUTIONARY can positively be with you most every day; as we each live His story on mission.

We plan to assist as we drive a process!

We have said it before, but do Subscribe.

And also connect on Facebook.

For the Fame of His Name