We Asked: Favourite Book or Verse and Why?

By Pastor Dan

Just like any other believer, I have many passages of the Bible that are significant to me for different reasons. The Word of God is undoubtedly a treasure-chest filled with promises more precious than gold!

However, out of all of the passages that are significant to me, there is still one that stands out among them all.

I believe it is due to the extremely personal nature of the promise within the passage, and also the fact that it has been a key part of the basis for my journey of faith with the LORD, from the very moment I stepped out of my life of training race horses and into the fire of the walk of faith being equipped in God’s Word, for the purpose of training and equipping His people. The LORD truly did call me forth from training horses to be one who trains men and women in His Word.

It is humbling to think that the LORD is pleased to work through my life for the sake of His own great name. It truly is a miracle, and also a reaffirmation of the truth that God can indeed use ANYONE for His purposes in this world.

So, with all of this said, which passage is the most significant to me in my life and journey?

Hands down, it is Matthew 6:25-34. An amazing passage of Scripture! Every time I read this passage, God ministers fresh faith and life to my soul!

The Lord has placed this passage before me on many occasions as I’ve followed Him over the past, coming up twelve years. The LORD truly is my Provider. He truly does care for me more than the birds of the air whom He daily feeds and the lilies of the field whom He so majestically clothes. I have come to know this in the truest sense of the word—think Greek, and some of you will probably also think Geek.

Anyway! I have come to know this, not merely conceptually as a cute idea or as a slogan for a t-shirt or bumper sticker, but also experientially as a reality in my own life. However, this has only happened as I have taken God at His word and walked by faith, trusting that He is indeed who He says He is, and that He does indeed do what He says He will do.

It’s far too easy in our current Western-Christian-climate to say all of the right things about trusting God, and yet walk trusting entirely in ourselves. By the grace of God, I don’t want that to be descriptive of my life. When I died to myself to instead follow Jesus, I didn’t do so in order to try and play some sort of pretend game. I didn’t do it in order to try and make people think I’m a nice person. I didn’t add “following Jesus” on to the peripheral landscape of my life, where I could interact with the idea when it suits me, and then put it back to pasture.

I died. My plans for my life were crucified. And since then I have sought to know Him more intimately day by day in His Word and in prayer. I believe that Jesus isn’t lying or just filling the air with empty words, when He says: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).

The LORD God is a good, good Father—and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate passage to describe who He is and who He has revealed Himself to be to me in Christ than what is written in Matthew 6:25-34. This passage beautifully sums up what it has meant for me to walk with Him by faith as His child, “seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness.” It is life to my bones, refreshment to my soul, contentment to my heart and mind, and nourishment to my body.

What peace, contentment and rest there is in Christ—knowing I don’t have to be anxious about even my needs or those of my family—because our heavenly Father knows what we need. We simply need to trust Him!

That as we walk with Him, as we go about living our lives for His kingdom purposes—in His sovereignty, He has everything under control.

Blessed hope; blessed rest!