Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
Luke 21:1-4
By Pastor Jon
It happened some time after Launch Sunday. And when I say, some time, I mean later that day.
It had been a big day in the life of RELOVUTIONARY. Every good idea and intention that grows beyond popular perception has a beginning. It is not always glorious, but life demands that we do more than pontificate, but act.
As part of festivities, we had been encouraged to take a Launch Offering, because, you know, while we may live in the freedom of the Gospel, you still get charged for your big ideas. There are numerous costs needing to be covered, so we took the opportunity to let the wider community play their part. Or so we considered.
Many times, the life is really not so hard, in and of itself. It is the overbearing expectations we discreetly bring to the table that too-often define-and-refine how we view a given happening in the real-time. We had spoken about this offering potential leading up to the big day. We had talked numbers. We even put the details on the advertising. In other words, you didn’t have to physically be there to contribute. We know the Christian community already calls home to other fellowships. But you’d like to think when planting a church that this intention communicates something of real worth in a world that promises much, but mostly does not deliver, and that this not-so-frequent-move inside Aotearoa would draw more than sentiment.
Maybe this is our cynic?!
To be sure, we had a very special time on Launch Sunday. God willing, as Jesus builds His Church through our weakness, we will remember this as step one, and celebrate February 24th, 2019, as some kind of birthday. We are excited to be plodding this hustle for the glory of God.
But as it relates to this Launch offering on the day, I perceived this would be more sentimental, relative to numbers, than substantive. And so it would be. We were prepared for those who had already indicated they were giving. As we took account after corporate worship, I thought we had covered the totality.
However, as I later looked inside and past these already-understood-expectations, I was presented with this image before my eyes.
Hmmm. “Really?!” was my initial response.
This is the smallest possible coin in New Zealand’s present currency. 10 cents. While I was tempted to describe it as a copper coin, I have been informed that it is copper-plated.
In real-time, my knee-jerk – emphasis on “jerk” – was to wallow in a felt-experience of personal mockery. When you feel like you could do with hundreds-to-thousands, and you get a piece of inconsequential copper, there is a wide expanse through this reality like the heavens from the expectations earth. A laugh-or-cry response seems appropriate about this somewhat pointless and useless singular object. I mean, it is probably going to take more work to deal with its shape than about any perceived benefit thereof.
Boy would I be wrong!
I know, I know. Hasn’t happened since the last time. #NotFunny
Anyways, back to the narrative.
In this unfolding, I went to share my presumptive misery with my beautiful wife. I left my office sinking into my own self-absorption. However, soon after arriving, I was jet-propelled to another location like I was given my own flux-capacitor. My vision became changed, McFly!
Shannon, my one-and-only, informed me that my other one-and-only, daughter, had been diligently concerned leading to our Launch that she had something to financially contribute to RELOVUTIONARY. She had been sincerely intentional about this action. And, on the day, when the offering bag had seemingly passed her by, she was a little aghast that her goal was not going according to plan. In the end, it had come together. It was residing safe inside before I found.
For this record, I had no idea beforehand that my Isabella-Hope was preparing for this action. This was not something trumpeted to indicate her righteousness. It takes more years than a six-year-old to realise the religious games we Christians can play!
When I was informed, I can not describe how quickly my perspective was changed. God was righteously dunking on my person, and had now posterised my sinful stupidity. And it would only be my distortion that brought this to attention. You see, God does work all things; even with our own “insinity”. #NewWord
Getting awoken into this world, I was positively rebuked and gracefully humbled. With vision unobscured by self, I was also vividly reminded of the totality of what makes something righteous. It is not just what you do, but why you do it. You’ve gotta work with what you’ve been given; not be concerned with what could be. In a day of bigger is better, I was jolted back to life about what has ultimate value.
Now consider my response subsequently.
Far from being an inconvenience, I have since replaced that 10-cent-piece with another of the same kind. I now want to hold onto my daughter’s offering as a potent reminder about what has ultimate value, and not only about who will provide, but how; even when we think we need money, He understands we need something more substantial, because He has deposited something of much more value that He will redeem in this “He that begun a good work” (Philippians 1:6) life movement.
God actually supplied my real momentary need through my daughter’s love-gift in ways I would never have envisioned had the money bag been filled like I was still Judas. I needed this sense! It is also a real indication He will do so when we really need the dollars. He can be trusted!
God will supply our needs at RELOVUTIONARY.
Sometimes, this will be in ways I least expect it because I most need something else. Our blindness is still real.
Thank you, Lord, for this rebuke, encouragement, and reminder.
Humble us still!
For the Fame of His Name