This is the fourth in this EXPECTATIONS series, so if you haven’t already, please avail yourself of the First, Second, and Third before you hit this piece!
In this flow, Pastor Dan will inform of the other preaching series taking place through our initial two years in the Sunday AM times of corporate worship.
By Pastor Dan
Well, well, well…here we are 2019! Ready or not!?
I’ve spent the past few months seriously thinking through all of the ‘ins-and-outs’ of the sermon series that I will be teaching through at RELOVUTIONARY Church, in the not too distant future.
As an expository preacher, series like these are right up our alley because they allow us to venture through the text of God’s Word in greater depth and detail, and to come out the other side, by His grace and through the power of His Holy Spirit, better-understanding what He has actually said to us.
To this end, we’ll be embarking on an expository series through the Book of Ephesians!
There it is, I said it!
As with any expository study, we want to submit to God’s authority in His Word, which He put together through His Holy Spirit and His people. Thus, I want to let the structure of the book itself dictate the terms of engagement and inform our understanding, and further still, determine the methodology with which we proceed to study it.
In light of this, because the structure of the Epistle to the Ephesians, we’ll move through it’s two distinct sections carefully, and seek to draw forth all of the truth that’s in it. By nature of the book’s structure, we’ll begin the series by studying chapters 1 through 3 in order to grasp the immensity of our new identity in Christ. This will provide the basis for our understanding of the entire book. It will especially help us understand how the practice portion in the second section flows forth from our identity as a ‘faith-that-works’ reality.
The very structure of the book of Ephesians communicates to us about the truth of the gospel—that identity informs behaviour. Doing flows forth from being. Right-doing flows forth from the fountain of a deep well of understanding regarding the truth about who we now are in Jesus Christ, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit!
Our new identity as believers in Christ is from start-to-finish on the basis of the Person and Finished-Work of Jesus Christ. The reality of this new identity in Christ then outflows through a life of faith put into practice; faith expressing itself in love, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In section one, we’ll be treated to ruminating on the beauty of all that God has done for us in Christ.
In section two, we’ll look at how we’re to live now in light of all that God has done for us in Christ, and because of who we now are in Him as a result.
Thus, once we’ve completed our series through the Book of Ephesians we should have a solid foundation of the truth of the gospel for, and in, our lives and community. This is the hope and intention, by God’s grace!
This series is significant in our times.
We live in a day where people have lost almost all sense about identity. Even as Christians, it’s easy to operate from a similar foundation, living as human-doings rather than human-beings. It’s an important nuance to grasp, that what we do flows out from who we are, and not the other way around.
As I’ve journeyed myself, and as I’ve walked with other brothers and sisters in the faith, this has consistently shown itself to be the greatest need amongst individuals and communities; gaining a proper understanding of our new identity in the Gospel—in Christ. When we rightly grasp this new identity reality, our living out of the Gospel becomes an overflow of faith, gratitude, and love—and our natural inclination toward living in our own strength and ability is muzzled, and more daily put to death.
This isn’t, as such, a one-and-done reality, rather it’s a day-by-day being “transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). Life transformation is brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit of God through the truth of the Gospel in God’s Word. As our hearts and minds are transformed in light of God’s truth, then our lives—our character and outward actions—follow suit.
Thus, we undertake to walk with the Lord through His Word in the book of Ephesians and to receive from Him a greater renewal of our minds in His truth, and a more comprehensive transformation of the entirety of our person, through the deep inner-working of His Holy Spirit who makes the truth of God more than mere facts, but rather true life-changing fuel to bring about God’s glory in and through our lives.
We will also have complementary material working alongside the sermons in order to provide a comprehensive application of God’s Word into our everyday lives.
We invite and welcome you to join us on this journey, studying through the Book of Ephesians, beginning Sunday, March 3!