Connection: When Jonny Met Daniel

By Pastor Jon

This is the other side of the pastoral relational coin from the first post in this double connection focus.

We have intended to provide genuine insight, so then, you too will know how we’ve arrived at this present location; even as a means to help figure this church planting potential into the future. Therefore, this two-part series now moves from Associate to Lead. Passing the blogging baton, one could say. Describe this as one serious assist.

While the Schwammy Army set the relational diamond in his wider frame, I will be more distinctively broad. Yet, I do plan to have plenty of flash in my writing bang.

To begin, one of the consistent recent storylines in my journey has been the number of male twenty-somethings wanting to connect, and talk life; Christian shop; even sport. If I may start-this-begin by making wider pertinent commentary, I do think this highlights the relative dearth of those inside middle-age still pressing out the journey with the type of searching intensity of this earlier life category. As a stereotype, there is plenty of settle, which is not necessarily bad, but for those looking to grab a navigational life illuminator, there can seem too much disconnect from what is captivating the youthful consciousness. Too many stop reading the books of their youth, and cease to ask the same questions, or press out the impressively substantive life lines, as they’ve moved into a phase that, honestly, takes themselves out of the same game. I should add, “in my opinion,” but you will have realised I am writing with my own breath.

If you don’t know me personally, you can only project on my person, but I am reasonably verbal. If someone is before me, looking more like a stunned mullet, I am happy to fill that silent void. While I do enjoy my own company with the other side of my personality, when I am with people, the purpose is to interactively engage. I don’t know about you, but it feels more awkward when the only conversation is between uncomfortable body language.

When I first met Pastor Dan, or as he was just then, and still is, Daniel, someone made the comment in our hearing that we would get along. Honestly, I was skeptical about any real depth. Certainly not thinking it would reach anywhere near its present. I can blow chunks with pretty much anyone in conversation, so talking the life does not mean best buddies. And we had common ground. While I tend to have more volume, except when the Celtics are playing, there was the sense we could digress, but without any explicit, “this would go deep,” and we’d cry over chick flicks. For the record, this does not happen.

I think there is a lesson, and not about movie tastes. Often, it is not about having crystal-clarity-assurance about a potential destination, but more a willingness to let it be, and not rock-pile a relationship from the beginning. Keep those doors open in your conceptuals!

He has informed on the historic details, so I won’t repeat. If you haven’t already worked this out, you should probably read his piece first. Please go HERE.

There came a day, some months post the very first beginning, when we would find ourselves in the sacred space of my Mancave; with pink curtains; chewing the theological discourse; reflecting on Daniel’s place in the world, and in light of his more recent positioning.

While I am more than happy to interact with the assorted theological landscapes inside historically orthodox circles, especially as it relates to where I land in this universe, I don’t tend to get evangelical if others land in different galaxies, if still inside orthodoxy. Don’t be confused. I land for good reason. There are real differences. There is right and wrong. And the future may only show us our scores. But I still want to live the difference between inside vs outside and what is intramural. These debates on what can be classed as secondary issues are distinctive than those described as first order, which are life and death.

Therefore, when Daniel started to meet-up, while we had plenty of theological connection, there was some real difference. This difference was then leading him to another tradition.  But, as this was a formative time for his future ministry place, he needed a wall to bounce and play catch. I was that wall.

Through this period, there was a wider topical birth. And I was not working his system, deliberating how I could navigate his wiles to come hither to my theological thither. I was not a lawyer berating his ear-drums with my case. The doors were not locked. Well, they were, but not for that purpose. This was sweetness. As the Schwamm family were heading overseas for a family holiday, I passed on a couple of books, and looked forward to further interacting upon his return; not thinking his theological titanic would find a life-boat.

The first sense I got that something dramatic had transpired was a social media message he offered, even before we caught-up again. If my memory is competent; no guarantee; there was some sense where this was potentially leading, but didn’t consider any Lazarus of ideas. As he would detail, he’d certainly moved. And it felt like I’d done very little, which I think is another lesson. Willingness to connect is often the biggest roadblock. Then, when you do, and as you unleash in the maelstrom of life, God does His work, and you just smile at the providence.

I guess you can say this period away would prove to be the foundation for the heavy-lifting of 2018.

We started reading together theologically. I am a big fan. Reading together. Out loud, and in the first-person. You can journey together. Make this a practice. At this stage, we would go through a reading play-and-pause, where I would mostly offer quality commentary. Well, that’s how I remember it, anyway. Yes, I probably talked too much.

All to say, over the many months our topics would diversify, and the relational would wine and dine. We would plunge existential swimming pools. It would set the stage for what would follow.

As indicated, I have met with many young guys, and chewed life over. I am wanting to ask what separates this Schwammy interaction from the rest? Yes, the sovereign purposes of God, but He does not work in a vacuum. He also works the means.

I also believe there is something significant to learn.

I remember my own transitions with which to further compare. When you are zealously indestructible in your twenties, you want it all right now. You believe you are ready, especially if you can handle the theoretical ideas. In your zeal, you are ready! This reality very often intersects through a motivating identity creating this false dawn. I have had younger guys who wouldn’t want to concede there is much difference between their project and someone in their forties. There is an incorrect computation around imputation. This practically means what difference do time and suffering really make?! This results in foolishness. And lengthens the time into that readied location. This confuses facts with how life figures; over time and through challenging seasons. The fact that Daniel was committed to the process proved he believed his identity was bound in Christ; was not something he must construct, which meant he could put himself into a relationship that could become like that Paul-and-Timothy proverbial, and has not found this personally demeaning. The function is real, people! Realising you need this as a young man is one thing, but working through the gears of life so that you get the most, is another.

As mentioned, without this continued journey, we would not have arrived at this interconnected RELOVUTIONARY destination, which now involves his person and people. Too often we only run a 100, and give up on completing the miracle mile. But for this present situation to happen, there was a demand for many hours in the relationship saddle. This would encourage a genuine personal conviction that what this guy (Me!) was rapidly spouting, was a good deal more than just vapid dribble. This would mean when I announced the King family plans on church planting, Daniel was in a position to rebound like Draymond Green. That association will annoy him, so I’m leaving it right there.

After talk, time, reflection, and prayer, the Schwamm family were solid.

Actions were speaking louder than words. I made sure before the Schwamm family came to their conclusion that the ideal road was not offered, nor promised. We talk often about the potential. We are clear there is no guarantee it will run according to the theoretical ideals of success, which we can culturally set, even inside the church.

As you read his story, and their story, it is clear God has been putting these pieces together to prepare them for this next chapter.

As you probably now know, I am a Pastor’s Son. I have been in church my whole life. I can pretty much give the right answer on demand. Even make it sound spiritual with added jargon for insiders. I can also game out a situation. One of the graces of this journey is that there has not really been an opportunity. I really mean it when I say that this is a grace. God has brought this about despite my lack of beginning insight. This goes to show. Don’t box a situation out. God may just want to dunk on you.

This also means in examining the veracity of this RELOVUTIONARY church planting transition, the reader must confront how God has seemingly brought this all together; at this point. If this storyline is of God, what does this communicate about this church plant? We would like to think, many God-glorifying good things!

Because of my continued health challenges, when Daniel made it clear, I saw this connection as another verifiable sign the time was and is now right. We were jumping anyway, as I mention on the Homepage. But, this now means a much greater sustainability, should the providences of God take me out. This also means we can presently cover more ground; have increasing focal points, and do our best to make this sustainable.

I realise this piece is getting quite lengthy, and I haven’t said-much-of-anything about Lizy and Isaiah. As our connection has grown, so have both family packages. One more recent. They are an important part of this puzzle. And you will hear more from the other on this platform in the not-too-distant future.

These connections will only flourish into the future, as we embark on this life movement.

Our story also means if you have not personally considered this church plant potential, and the relational impact into your own life, God could surprise you.

Our time has proven.

Is your door still open?

Well march on then!

For the Fame of His Name