By Pastor Jon
And on the Seventh Day, the children of God continued to get biblically arrested.
If you haven’t already, read the thesis, which introduces this idea, before you begin.
And do your best to catch-up on Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day Five, and Day Six. I think this is the final day to highlight the past. The future is about now. So as of tomorrow, it will be all about staying in the present, except maybe the thesis, which is good for anyone starting mid-stream, because it is better-in-this-sense to be late, than to be never.
Another reminder that I have hyperlinked the chapter numbers beside each book, so you can simply click-through from this, and every post.
Day 7/365
<+> Job 14-16 <+>
<+> Psalm 7 <+>
<+> Matthew 9 <+>
Full-Credit Fitzpatrick to the ESV iPhone App. All rights theirs.
Also, these Reading Plans are located on the Web. The PDFs: Chronological, Psalms, Proverbs, 6-Month New Testament.
For the Fame of His Name