By Pastor Jon
After all, if it hasn’t been on Facebook, can you really believe it has actually transpired?!
Oh, indeed.
If you have been in our geographical and living neck-of-the-woods, this is likely old news, but we do want to still celebrate, and officially announce to the world.
We, that is the Lead Pastor and whanau, remain very thankful for the organically-recent and delightfully surprising turn of events, which we speak about in the left-hand panel on the Homepage, and where Daniel himself (and the Lead, hopefully) will elaborate upon, on this very Blogging platform, in the coming days. And we be very literal. It could be tomorrow.
For the conceptually adept reader, you will already know Mr Schwamm is the self-same, Associate Pastor/Elder Dan. While, his Better Half, is also certainly very much part of this equation, as Lizy will have her gifted hands involved in music; with other angles to-be-unveiled into the future.
These words should underscore how the Schwamm family really do form very much, the core, of the Core Team.
Welcome, Schwammy Army!
And, Yes, Isaiah is beside himself with excitement, as you can see. The Lead Pastor personally blames the Celtics; or is it more that Moody Bible jacket?! Whatevs.
RELOVUTIONARY is looking forward to the many ways and days the always-good-God will use this family through the life and times of this local church, and planting movement.
Doesn’t this announcement just want to make you get more involved?!
I thought so, and there is no reason to fear this Beard!
For the Fame of His Name