These will be arriving in the coming months, and will be on subjects that provide greater definition of our positions, out of the various traditions within historically orthodox Christianity, and on what can be described as secondary “insider” issues.
We all hold given positions, whether implicitly or explicitly; even if only practically implied.
In this section, we seek to positively explicate our specifics, thereby explaining justification. These are not intended to be divisive, but reflective of an upfront approach, identifying where we reside, and why.
Our opinion is a lack of clarity actually hinders decision-making and growth. The lack of civility in popular culture also provides Christians with an opportunity to model intra-family discussions, and should not be viewed as an encouragement into silence.
This may take longer than expected, but other pages on this platform should already indicate our placement inside what has been historically referred to as Evangelicalism.
If you have any questions, then feel free.
For the Fame of His Name